Product Description
The Explore Scientific deep sky light pollution filter is ideal for DSLR camera lenses with the standard 77mm thread for filters. This filter selectively rejects unwanted wavelengths of light greatly improving the images of the sky with your camera.
A superb universal Dark-Sky Filter with 77mm thread for photographic lenses. This filter will effectively boost contrast and create a more natural sky background for wide field imaging - with the added bonus of less image processing required afterwards.
During Aurora imaging this filter lets 90% of the most important wavelengths of 550nm (green) and 630nm (red) through to your camera. In comparrision to CLS filters, the Explore Scientific Deep Sky Filter also blocks the yellow Sodium (Na) wave at 590nm, which elliminates Sodium lamp street illumination from your astro pictures.
This is very useful because the yellow light is always a partial mix of green and red light. Removing the yellow wave-length with any image processing software will always lead to the reduction of both the green and red parts of the spectrum too. This is naturally particularly unsuitable for Aurora imaging. Subsequently, if you're planning an expedition to observe and photograph the Aurora, this filter should be top of your list of accessories to pack.
As the battle continues to reduce light pollution, the Explore Scientific Dark Sky Filter is very much recommended for wider field astrophotography from urban and suburban locations.
The slim housing design enables its use also with wide field photo lens, which will avoid any possible vignetting.
Dark Sky Light pollution Filter
Contrast enhancer for Deep Sky and Aurora imaging
Perfect for imaging of the milky-way, time lapse and landscape
Light pollution rejection filter
Ellimintates the yellow light wavelength
Black anodized filter housing
77mm filter thread for telephoto lenses
Flat design of only 4mm height (slim) - no vignetting
Ideal also for use with wide field photographic lenses
Made from optical glass with Neodymoxid
What's in the box:
Deep Sky Filter 77mm
Dust protection case
Warranty after online registration 10 Years
Total length 79 mm
Total width 79 mm
Total height 4 mm
Net weight 25 g