Accessories for telescopes including torches, adapters, finders, power supplies, cleaning kits, diagonals & barlows, enhance your telescope with top brand quality accessories.
A full range of SkyWatcher accessories including torches, powertanks, finders and mount accessories
StarSense, SyPortal WiFi, SkySync GPS and general accessories for any brand of telescope
Eyepiece adapters, finderscopes and cleaning kits with patented clicklock adapters and accessories
Barlows for increasing magnification in telescopes by multiplying the focal length of a telescope
Diagonals allow comfortable viewing day and night with prism, dielectric and amici types in 2" and 1.25"
High quality Crayford, ack and pinion and electric upgrade focusers from for precise focusing of eyepieces and cameras
Mains and rechargeable power suppliies for Telescopes including lithium battery technonlogy for compact greener power
Finderscopes for astronomical telescopes for accurately locating objects. We stock straight optical, right angle optical, erecting and red dot finderscopes.
Padded bags for Telescopes, protective bags and outdoor telescope covers for a variety of instruments. Bags and cases for refractors, reflectors and SCT's.
Eyepiece adapters and extension tubes for telescopes with twistlock, clicklock and compression clamps.
Dew controllers, dew bands and dew shields for Telescopes to keep optics dry and clear in cold or humid conditions
Cleaning kits, lens pens, cloths and optical alignment aids such as laser collimators and cheshire eyepieces for keeping your telescope in top condition
Binoviewers for telescopes allow both eyes to be used for comfort and a more natural view, binocular viewers require pairs of eyepieces
A range of star charts, astronomy books, planispheres and telescope control software. Astronomy books that make ideal gifts for anyone interested in the wonders of the night sky
A weather station is useful for predicting clear skies for astronomy as well as providing comprehensive weather data. The latest models are wifi and can stream data to your smartphone at home or away.
Microscopes from Celestron, Bresser and Zenith for Schools, colleges and hobby use, electronic and visual models are also available
A range of quality Astronomy based gifts including torches, books and cleaning kits. All products are from the best brands at the best prices. Perfect for Christmas presents or Birthday gifts for any Telescope owner.
Metal Detectors from Bounty Hunter with discrimination settings to search for specific metals such as coins or jewellery, adevanced technology with ease of use