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Home Telescopes National Geographic Range National Geographic 114/500 Compact Dobsonian Telescope
The National Geographic 114/500 Compact Telescope is a great choice for those who want a simply, yet sturdily mounted telescope to begin their exploration of the heavens, an uncomplicated thoughtfully designed telescope. Delivery TimeDelivery time is normally around 7-10 business days direct from our supplier with this product.This is the larger of the two National Geographic Dobsonian telescopes, allowing it to see fainter objects and resolve more detail, objects like the Andromeda galaxy and the Great Nebula in Orion can be seen well. Includes four magnificationsIncludes two eyepieces and a barlow providing x25 x83 x83 x166 magnificationsThis telescope comes complete with tabletop stand, featuring degree readouts for easy positioning in altitude and azimuth, plus two eyepieces - a 6mm and 20mm, giving 83x and 25x respectively. A 2x Barlow lens is also provided, taking the power range up to 166x and 50x. The package also includes a Moon filter, stopping down glare from the Moon and making for more comfortable viewing, plus a compass and an LED red dot reflex finder.Specifications: Diameter: 114mm Focal length: 500mm Magnification: 25x-167x Eyepieces: 6, 20mm Barlow lens: 2x Compass Moon filter LED-Viewfinder Included in delivery: telescope, eyepieces, barlow lens, moon filter, LED viewfinder
Good Perfect reflector! (03/03/2023) -